Sahin Ali Alperen

The presentation is explaining how I use new media tools in an improvisational way at a spatial and time-based level to overcome the issue of limited real-time expressiveness of certain tools. New media arts with digital technologies differ from other art forms in the creation process.
PRESENTATION: SATURDAY – 22 April, 2023, 11:00 @ University of Applied Arts Vienna
The presentation is explaining how I use new media tools in an improvisational way at a spatial and time-based level to overcome the issue of limited real-time expressiveness of certain tools. New media arts with digital technologies differ from other art forms in the creation process. The difference is in transforming the ideas into the digital medium so that it can be further edited using the possibilities of the technology. This process is possible with the tools of the computing environment whether it is a mouse and keyboard or a drawing tablet where the tangible actions are constantly being translated into the digital environment. And this situation can make it harder to be expressive in the moment.
The approach I am using is based on the idea of free play which is when children have full freedom to discover, and not being limited to any rules of a game but rather create their own game with whatever is laying around. If children don’t know the actual purpose of a toy, they can attach new meanings and usages, it makes children think outside the box easier. It only requires time and space without an initial goal. One of the advantageous parts of this approach is that it allows expressing and following feelings during the creation of a work instead of following a pattern of rules and pre-sets. Rather than designing the project as the product it is focusing on creating time and space for free flow of the expressions. The whole process during the improvisational spatial art works includes pre-developed tools and earlier research. Even though the tools can have pre-sets in them they are not bound to an ultimate idea. After the tools are ready, instead of finalising the project beforehand to be able to go to a place and execute, this approach is based on not having an exact plan until you have the space and time to play around with your tools. Spending time with all your tools in the space without a fully designed idea is allowing new possibilities to arise.
Alperen Şahin is an artist and a designer; studied Interior Design in Anadolu University and Visual Arts in ASP-Wroclaw. He has tutored and was actively involved in international design workshops around the world; created projects in various cities of Poland, Germany, Turkey, Belarus and Lebanon. He is inspired by underground and outsider cultures; currently working on spatial experiences, installations, audiovisual performances and generative images while continuing his PhD programme in ASP-Wroclaw.